When it comes to Batman, there's a small core of artists who have really done the character right. You can argue about who was the best, and good cases can be made for a handful of the greats - whether that's the guys from the early years including Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson and Dick Sprang; the '60s through the '80s with the excellence of Carmine Infantino, Jim Aparo, Neal Adams, and Frank Miller; or looking to the newer works of Jim Lee, Tim Sale or even the animated work of Paul Dini. Marshall Rogers fits into that middle group and his pointy-eared interpretation was second-to-none.
While my first experience of Marshall's art was with Batman in DC's Detective Comics, his worked that I liked best was on Marvel Comics master of mysticism, Doctor Strange. His work harkened back to the heyday of Steve Ditko, which a cleaner, more multi-layered approach that brought new depth to the interpretation of the unusual setting inhabited by Dr. Stephen Strange.

Marshall's career also included runs on a number of books, including Marvel's Silver Surfer and G.I. Joe, DC's Mister Miracle, along with Scorpio Rose and Coyote for Eclipse Comics. In the midst of a resurgence, he died of a heart attack in 2007 at the all-too young age of 57. That said, I hope you appreciate the small sampling of his work below. It's the least I can do after the many hours of enjoyment he's provided to us fans over the years.
A small GALLERY of Marshall Rogers Art pulled from the Internet
All art and copyrights are the property of their respective owners
All art and copyrights are the property of their respective owners

Next Up: Bernie Wrightson
Cheers! - Jason
Cheers! - Jason
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