On May 9, 1937, when he was 26 years old, Burne Hogarth made it big in the cartooning world when United Features Syndicate published his first Tarzan newspaper strip as the chosen successor to Hal Foster. By the time he first left the strip in 1945 he had established a new standard for art that was subsequently adopted by other mediums, including comic books.
While Hogarth returned to Tarzan from 1947 to 1950 he was also co-founding the School of Visual Arts with Silas Rhodes. The school would become his primary focus for the next 20 years, as it attracted the next generation of comic-book artists, including Al Williamson, George Woodbridge, Wally Wood, and a host of others. After some time he began producing a series of books outlining what he was teaching in his classes that have since become the de-facto "bibles" for illustrators: Dynamic Anatomy (1958), Drawing the Human Head (1965), Dynamic Light and Shade, (1981), and Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery (1992), plus Dynamic Figure Drawing and Drawing Dynamic Hands.

After retiring from the school, Hogarth continued to bring out a number of special works and books that have been a great treat for his many fans. Included in these is the full-color Tarzan of the Apes (1972) and the black & white Jungle Tales of Tarzan (1976) that took the character and Hogarth's stylistic portrayal to new heights.
As a true master of his craft, and someone who has done so much to perpetuate the illustrative style I appreciate, the least I can do is pass along some of his work for you to enjoy.
A small GALLERY of Burne Hogarth Art pulled from the Internet
All art and copyrights are the property of their respective owners
All art and copyrights are the property of their respective owners

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